Terms and Conditions for the Tourists from Special Administrative Regions of PRC (Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR) for Visa Exemption

(a) Tourists from Hong Kong SAR and Mac ao SAR Passport holders are allowed 1st 30th Tourist Visa Exemption Pilot Scheme, starting from October, 2018 to September 2019.

(b) They are allowed to enter Myanmar through International Gateways such as Yangon International Aiq1ort,Mandalay International Airport, Nay Pyi Taw International Airport and tangon International Seaport as well as through Myanmar-Thailand Land Bolder Checkpoints such as Tachileik, Myawaddy, K.awthaung, Htee Kee; Myanmar India Land Border Checkpoints such as Tamu and Rihkhawdar.

(c) It is allowed only TourisHfVisa for the purpose of visit. :l!

(d) Tourist Visa Exemption is allowed to Hong Kong SAR and Macaq-SAR passport holders able to e~ter Myanmar and stay (30) days. It is not allowed for the Visa extension.

(e) The Passport holders from Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR of PRC

(1) must ?bey the Myanmar’s existing law and procedures

(2) can visit around the pennitted areas freely except from the restricted areas within the country

(3) can be rej ected the entry pennit if the tourist is not· allowed by the immigration

(4) can depart from any international gateways

Remarks:Return air ticket or an air ticket to proceed to another country and US$ 1000 in cash as “show money” upon arrival will no longer need to display at the International Airports.